This is the farewell for Samhold lodge #5-473, as we are merging with Nordkap lodge #5-378, effective January 1, 2020.
We had some wonderful times these past 56 years in the northern suburbs of Michigan: first in Pontiac, next in Auburn Hills, finally in Lake Orion. It is both sad and encouraging (with the merger), but the memories will remain as I compile the legacy of Samhold, with the objective to preserve the archives at, hopefully, the Bentley Historical Library at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
I would like to thank the Samhold and Nordkap boards of directors in helping make this merger happen. I also thank Gene Steensma for his many years of service (I’ve lost count!) as member, president through 2017, and counselor. Thank you, Bob & Louise Giles of Nordkap in making the merger go smoothly; as well as Carol Jehle (Membership Secretary of Nordkap) in handling the transition of members. In closing, we in Samhold are honored to make several $thousands of donations to these excellent causes within the Sons of Norway: Nordkap Scholarship Fund, Masse Moro Camp Fund, Barnebirke Fund, and District 5 General Fund.
Our last Samhold gathering together, the Christmas Party of 2019, was enjoyable. Enjoy viewing the picture gallery
Wish all the best of 2020, and may the heritage of Norwegian-Americans in Michigan, and in the USA, continue growing from generation to generation.
Fraternally Yours,
Bill Injerd, President, Samhold #5-473, Sons of Norway