History of Lodges
Hafrsfjord Lodge 206 was organized on December 23, 1920 in Kenosha, Wisconsin. None of the charter members are now living. The name for the lodge was suggested by Jens and Paul Thorsen who were born in Stavanger, Norway. Hafrsfjord is a body of water coming in from the ocean to the outskirts of Stavanger, and seemed appropriate for the new lodge.
Hafrsfjord Lodge has been active within the district, the bowlers collecting a number of trophies at the district level and also at International Conventions. Several members have served on the District Board, and our lodge was chosen lodge of the year at one time.
The lodge maintains membership in the Civic Council in Kenosha, and sponsors a bowling team under the direction of Sports Director Albert Smestad. The Tubfrim project is a special one with Dagmar Udstuen in charge.
Of particular interest to Hafrsfjord Lodge was the personal presentation of a small Sons of Norway flag to the city ofStavanger, Norway, by Thomas and Agnes Eggerud on July 17, 1972. This flag is on display in the city hall of Stavanger, marked as a gift of the Hafrsfjord Lodge 206 of Kenosha, Wisconsin. The occasion was the celebration ofthe 100th anniversary of Norway as a kingdom, and of the battle in 872 AD. when in the waters of Hafrsfjord a victory made Norway one united country. Of special interest was a picture taken of King Olav, kneeling by the remembrance stone, writing his signature and the date on it, while looking on was Thomas Eggerud and J. Nordhaug, Chairman of the Norwegian Committee. Until this picture was published in Norway, many Norwegians did not know of a Sons of Norway lodge named Hafrsfjord.
Our membership is made up ofa diverse group ofpeople ... a mayor of Kenosha claimed Sons of Norway membership, a judge, a District Attorney, entrepreneurs of all kinds, and common folk. When one considers the hundreds of members who have stood in attendance in our lodge, each one having a separate story to tell through War, Depression, Death, and Birth ... one could truly write a book.
update to history below by Geraldine Lachman October 26, 2008
The story of Hafrsfjord Lodge 5-206 continues on. Thomas K. Eggerud has served longest as lodge president, a total of 12 years. Arlene and Robert Mulder have been past presidents in our lodge, together 16 years of service. The lodge struggled financially in the early 1990s, but then gained strength again. Our lodge has received gold and silver recognition from the 5th District for many years. We are growing and increasing the interest in the Norwegian heritage and culture with exciting programs at lodge meetings. The Hafrsfjord Lodge strongly encourages its members to participate in the cultural skills and sports award plans in order to continue our story for the future.
Hafrsfjord Lodge 206 disbanded in 2018