History of Lodges
The need for a lodge to serve Chicago's western suburbs was long recognized. A dedicated group led by Sandra Sundfor Fulscher worked hard and long to establish a new lodge. Several ofthis group had been members of the old Saga Lodge.
Ably assisted by Field Representative Joe Thompson, they saw their efforts come to fruition on a stormy April evening in 1984. That night, warmth and fellowship abounded as Cliff Feggestad, President of the Fifth District instituted the lodge. On October 28, 1984 President Fulscher received the lodge charter with 103 members listed.
Since many of the organizational meetings took place in the Riverside Town Hall, the lodge soon became associated with the suburb and was referred to as the new "Riverside Lodge". It was only logical to select the Norwegian equivalent when it came time to select a name. Taking a few liberties with the language, "Elvesund" can be translated as "Riverside".
The lodge has established many activities which have proven popular with members. For example, card parties became an excellent way for members to become better acquainted and have been lots of fun. The lodge participates in Chicagoland's Syttende Mai and Riverside's Fourth of July parades and related activities.
As a relatively new lodge we continue to seek ways to promote fellowship among members and share our Norwegian heritages within our local communities. Some of our young people and adults have taken part in both Heritage Camps at Fall River, WI, and our president, Tom Maxson has volunteered at Birkebeiner at Hayward, WI. In June 1988 Tom was elected Sports and Recreation Director for the Fifth District.