The Friendly Fifth

D5 SofN Nordic Legacy Foundation

SN District 5 Nordic Legacy Foundation Grants

In an effort to support lodges as they are printing more materials they download from the International website, the District is offering up to $100/calendar year/lodge to help offset printing costs. This will enable lodges to print promotional, membership, and other materials needed for their meetings, events and membership work.
The District’s NLF will continue to offer the shipping grants (up to $30/year) to help offset the shipping costs when they order membership, sports and cultural pins from the supply store.

The District is also continuing the Small Project Grants and Matching Grants to help lodges with cultural, membership, and other activities. All the details for these grants are included on the application forms.
The purpose of the Sons of Norway Fifth District Nordic Legacy Foundation (NLF) is to support youth, heritage, culture, and education through presentations, programs, and foundation grants.  It is a 501(c)(3).

Masse Moro, District 5's youth camp, is a primary project which the Nordic Legacy Foundation supports.  Persons interested in making donations to support this youth camp's heritage activities can donate through NLF.  Donations have been used to support this summer camp's curriculum, purchase needed equipment and provide tuition assistance.  Tuition assistance is provided through campership programs conducted by the D5 Youth Director.

NLF supports other Fifth District heritage, culture, and education programs, recommended by the Sons of Norway Fifth District board of directors.

For more information on the Nordic Legacy Foundation, contact Darlene Arneson email: 

To view the merchandise that supports the Nordic Legacy Foundation  - Click here