The Friendly Fifth

Delegate Information

2024 District Lodge Meeting Board Memo Prep

Just a few items as we pack our final bags for Indy.

A few reminders:
  1. Bring your regalia and name tags to wear. For new board members, you wear your regalia only when you are sitting up at the head table. If you go to the microphone to speak on behalf of yourself or step down from the platform, you should remove it. If you are speaking on behalf of the District, you can leave it on.
  2. I wasn’t aware that Corey didn’t get a regalia. I have Tom Boudreau’s and Cheryl has Rober Fossum’s but I was under the impression that Nathan had given his regalia and the medallion to Corey. Lisa R.W. should also have regalia that came from Elle.
  3. Cheryl is hosting a reception for the board and spouses on Wednesday night. I’ll let Cheryl send out details on time and what room.
  4. For those who might not continue on the Board, you should also bring any items that should be passed along to your replacement.
  5. The attire is business casual business for most events. As leaders of our group and sitting up front, our attire should reflect our roles in the District.
  6. Jerry Rud of Circle City is helping us project to the screens. We need all committee reports by 5 PM Thursday night. I have shared that with the committees but any board members who are presenting who have a PowerPoint or want to go to a website need to give us a heads up. With the early Friday setup, I won’t have time in the morning to work on that.
  7. If you have a camera, take pictures! It would be great to have a nice photo show afterward. Casual photos are always great so please don't be camera-shy! Please share them on the District’s Facebook page.
  8. On Sunday morning at 8 AM, there is a re-org meeting for all outgoing and in-coming board members.
  9. At the board meeting, we will be finalizing volunteers for a variety of areas. If you (or a spouse) can help, we'd appreciate it. The areas will include a silent auction (accepting items and other things during the sale), setting up a meeting room on Friday morning (if you are available), helping with the Heads and Tails (collecting envelopes on the tables), helping set up the lodge’s banners, and the list goes on.
  10. I am bringing the sheets and pens for the silent auction.
  11. I have the Heads and Tails envelopes for the tables.
  12. I will have my laptop and printer along.
  13. If you are doing a workshop I've been telling people to plan on 40 handouts. Any extras can be put on a "handout and resource" table for others to pick up.
  14. Work with Corey on turning in your expenses for the convention. I'm sure he'll cover that at the Thursday Board meeting on what are allowable expenses.
  15. If you have stamps, bring them along! We'll have people give them to the Indiana lodge.
  16. Please refer to the delegate mailing for other convention details and events.
 We are heading to Indy tomorrow and hope to get there by 7 PM.
Thanks and safe travels!


January 31, 2024 

Dear District 5 Lodge Presidents and Secretaries: 

Because we didn’t have any bids from lodges, the District Board is hosting the District 5 Lodge  Meeting and Convention. The dates are June 19-22, 2024 in Indianpolis, Indiana. Wednesday is for  those attending classes, Thursday will begin District Convention Committee work and other classes  and workshops, and delegates are required to be there on Friday and Saturday. Sunday is only for  D5 Board members (new members & retiring ones). 

The convention will be held at the Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel, 2501 S High School Rd, Indianapolis,  Indiana 46241. The block of guest rooms for the Sons of Norway Convention is now open. The  convention rate of $129 is in effect for Tuesday, June 18 through Saturday, June 22. This special  base rate is for either a king or double queen room. Additionally, a hot, fresh-cooked breakfast for  two people is included with each room. You can reserve your room by calling 317-244-6861 and  asking for reservations. The group code is “SNY.” Be sure to mention the Sons of Norway District 5  Convention and verify that the base rate is $129. If you have any problems reserving your room, you  may contact Dawn Huth, Housing Manager at the hotel, 317-243-1030. This opportunity is limited, so  reserve your room as early as possible. The deadline is May 19, 2024. It is important to RESERVE EARLY to be sure to get this rate and breakfast deal. When our block of rooms closes, the special  deal will no longer be available. Do not hesitate! Reserve as soon as you can before May 19,  2024! 

The delegate fee is $125 and non-delegate fee $40. The delegate fee covers two lunches (Friday  and Saturday), goodie bag, access to speakers and classes, and beverages (coffee, water, lemonade) during breaks on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 

We will be populating the District 5 website with information: We also have information on ads, sponsorships, well wishes, registration and other items for your  delegates and members to review and take part in. Please share the sponsorship and advertising  opportunities with groups and businesses in your area and have your lodge consider them as  well! 


The Sons of Norway District 5 By-Laws, Article 111, Paragraph 2 states: Every local lodge in the  District shall be entitled to two representatives for the lodge, and one representative for every 100  members or major fraction thereof, based on the last Semi-Annual Report prior to the election of  delegates. All members in good standing are eligible representatives. 

Delegates should be elected using the formula above based on December 31, 2023 membership  figures. You should also elect a corresponding number of alternates, on a priority basis, that will serve  should any of your delegates be unable to attend. These elections must take place so you can report  by March 5, 2024. A Report of Election included with this letter, which is to be completed and  returned to the District Secretary immediately following the election. These will be emailed to  both the lodge president and secretary and hard copy mailed to the president. The Sons of Norway  Constitution reads: “The Secretary of the Local Lodge shall prepare a report of election giving names and addresses of the duly elected Delegates and Alternates. This report shall be signed by the Local  Lodge President and Local Lodge Secretary and forwarded to the District Secretary no later than five  days after the election.” Please be sure the names are written plainly and spelled correctly! I am asking that you include their membership number, address, city, state, zip, phone and email address  on the form and return it to me postmarked no later than March 5, 2024. Please send it to me at:  Darlene Arneson, 2056 Skaalen Rd, Stoughton, WI 53589 or email a scanned copy to 

Keep in mind as you elect delegates that they are the only ones that can be candidates for the  District Board or alternates to the Board. You do NOT have to be a benefit member to be a delegate  to the District Lodge Meeting, but in order to run for any of these positions just mentioned, the  delegate must be a benefit member or buy product at the convention.  


Your lodge may wish to propose resolutions or by-law changes to be considered at the District Lodge  Meeting. These resolutions, along with any proposed changes to the District 5 By-Laws, must be  submitted to the District Secretary no later than April 1, 2024. Please note that we are using the  template approved and recommended by the International Board. Find it at 


If your lodge is interested in hosting the 2026 District Lodge Meeting, you are asked to send a written  notice of your intention to the District Secretary prior to April 1, 2024. Should your lodge wish to  present a bid, we ask that you make arrangements for a "walk through" of the facilities by a District 5  Board Member. This should be done prior to the June convention in order to identify proposal merits  as well as needed additions or changes. 


We will use email and the website as much as we can to post documents and keep everyone  updated. Hard copies of the Reports Book will be sent to the delegates. Your 2022 delegates have  received a copy of the approved 2022 District Lodge Meeting minutes. Once I get the Delegate  Election Forms back, then I give the lists to the Convention Committee and they will send out  information to the delegates about registration and other convention news. I also give a list to  President Wille-Schlesser who will appoint convention committees. Members who serve on  committees will be notified and given the specifics of their tasks. 


Please contact me if you have any questions or need assistance. You should be electing the number  of people listed in the highlighted column that is titled "Elect Del. and Alt." For example, Mandt Lodge  has a number 5 in that column so we need to elect 5 delegates and 5 alternates. Thank you for your prompt attention to this convention call! My home email is and cell  number is 608-514-4951 if you need to contact me!  


Darlene Arneson, District Secretary


Central Lodge Meeting Call- January 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM CST via ZOOM

Central Lodge Meeting Call- January 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM CST via ZOOM
Central Lodge members of Sons of Norway are entitled to have their voice heard at District Conventions. If you are not affiliated with a local Lodge, you are in a Central Lodge. You are a member of District 5 Central Lodge and can be a delegate to our District Convention.

Our District 5 Convention and Lodge Meeting will be June 19-22 in Indianapolis, Indiana. You can learn more at

Want to be a delegate? Please reach out to the and Secretary Darlene Arneson ( ) by January 19.

The District 5 ZOOM call will be on Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM Central Time for the interested candidates and election.
The deadline to notify either officer of your intention is Friday, January 19, 2024 so the meeting link can be sent to you.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Darlene Arneson
District 5 Secretary

2024 Sons of Norway District 5 Delegates

January 4, 2024

Dear Sons of Norway District 5 Delegates,

  Thank you again for serving as a delegate to the District 5 Lodge Meeting in Middleton, WI in June 2022. We have asked for your action previously on a bylaw proposal last year and now have the Task Force Recommendation for you to act on as we prepare for the 2024 District Lodge Meeting and
Convention in Indianapolis, IN in June 2024.
  As you have been kept informed over the past two years via emails, Friendly Fifth Friday News, our website section, and invitations to Task Force ZOOM meetings, we have looked at many different ways to restructure the District Board.   
  In September, we had the joint meeting of you (the delegates who served) and the Task Force. The group discussed the Task Force recommendation:

That the task force recommends the elimination of zones in District 5 and charges the board to consider various mechanisms for enhancing cohesion and communications between lodges and how we can serve lodge’s needs. The new board structure would be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Youth Director, Sports Director, Publicity Director, Cultural Director and four at-large Directors. All could serve two consecutive two-year terms with the exception of the District Secretary and Treasurer who would have unlimited terms. All positions would have an alternate elected for each position.

The board discussed this proposal at their fall board meeting and made one change in how the alternates would be. They made this change: A pool of 4 alternates for the 4 at-large directors shall also be elected. 

I am enclosing the bylaw proposal which gives the current wording, changes, and how the new section would read. I also have a postcard that can be used as your ballot. Postcards should be returned by Saturday, January 20, 2024. At that time, we will have the board send the updated bylaws
to International for acceptance and then the Nominating Committee will be able to proceed. 

If you have any questions, please contact me at or call 608-873-7209.

Thank you,
Darlene Arneson, Chair
District 5 Task Force

District 5 Convention 2024 DELEGATE RESPONSIBILITIES


1. READ the delegate book which will be sent to all elected delegates. It contains resolutions and has important information for delegates to consider in advance.
2. SERVE on a committee if asked. Committees meet in person Thursday morning of convention week. They might also meet ahead of time on Zoom. Committees have specific roles ranging from making recommendations on any resolutions submitted to dealing with financial business.
3. CHOOSE extra activities carefully to avoid conflict with responsibilities. For instance, as a delegate I may attend cultural classes on Wednesday and Thursday (unless serving on a committee), but need to be at business meetings all day Friday and Saturday.
4. ENJOY special activities, speakers, and cultural classes before the district lodge meeting (Wednesday and Thursday)and activities each evening.
5. SHOW UP and attend all business sessions.
6. LISTEN to reports and proposals.
7. ASK questions. Take an active part in decision-making.
8. VOTE.
9. OPTIONAL “responsibility”: CELEBRATE at the banquet Saturday night with lively Scandinavian music by a well-known professional duo and enjoy the presentation of District and International awards.
10. ACCEPT any awards my lodge earned and present them to my lodge.
11. SHARE experiences and ideas with my lodge.