The Friendly Fifth

Webmaster Blog

To contact the webmaster, send an E-mail directly to:


Q: Where do I submit Photo's, files or content for possible use on the website?
A: Attach your photo's and files to an E-mail and send it to
B: You may also fill out the "Contact us" found at the bottom of the Homepage.

Q: Where can I find instructions on filling out the Annual 990-N and D17 forms?
A: From the Homepage, click on "About Us", then "District Five Documents".

Q: Where can I find scholarship information for Masse Moro?
A: From the Homepage, click on "Benefits", then "Scholarships" 
B. From the Homepage, click on "Programs" then " Masse Moro Heritage Camp".

Q: How do I look up who my new Zone Director is?
A: From the Homepage, click on "Lodges", then "Lodge Zone Assignments".

Q: Where can I find and view Upcoming Events?
A: From the Homepage, click on "News & Events", then either "Upcoming Events" or "Events Calendar".

Q: How do I view Member discounts?
A: From the Homepage, click on "Benefits", then "Membership Perks".
     Log in to the international website. Scroll down and click on "Access Discounts".

Q: I want to read the By-laws and Policies for District 5. How do I get to them?
A: From the Homepage, click on "About us", then "Bylaws and policies".

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