The Friendly Fifth

Masse Moro Heritage Camp

What is Masse Moro? Masse Moro is a Norwegian Heritage camp with a rich history specifically created with a focus on sharing the history, arts and rich culture of Norway with our youth since 1979. Norwegian language is one of the key components to our program. Campers leave their American culture behind for 2 weeks and participate in daily activites in a hands-on atmosphere learning camp songs, Norwegian vocabulary classes, team sports, and a variety of traditional Norwegian arts, cuisine and Norwegian history.

To learn more about District 5 Masse Moro Heritage camp, visit their website at

A new item Lodges can use when speaking to perspective Camp families or when searching for Masse Moro information.
Check out "Tools for Lodges" at

Takk for alt Masse Moro!

The 2024 Masse Moro camp was another wonderful two week session!
Thank you to all the campers, counselors, staff, and volunteers who made it lots of fun for everyone.

A special thank you to our outgoing District 5 Youth Director youth Lisa Rove-Williams for all of her dedication and work at camp to make it a successful summer.

The camp has been extremely fortunate to receive the support of District 5 and our local Sons of Norway Lodges. We appreciate their continued support and that of our parents, grandparents and other sponsors of our young people who make camp possible each year. We are already looking forward to more fun next summer at Masse Moro.
Masse Moro provides an excellent learning opportunity for our youth ages 9 to 15 years of age. Our summer camp strives to fulfill the mission of Sons of Norway by preserving and promoting our Norwegian heritage in a number of different ways during the two weeks session. From learning how to bake delicious Norwegian desserts, playing kubb on the sports field, gazing up at the stars, and singing songs in Norwegian there is a wide variety of activities each day at camp. Campers do not have to be Sons of Norway members to attend camp, but we encourage them to become members. Any Sons of Norway Lodges who would like to learn more about Masse Moro, our Norwegian Heritage camp, are encouraged to contact me to make a presentation to your Lodge.

Anyone registering for the 2025 Masse Moro summer session will be able to choose to fill out their registration form on the Masse Moro website electronic form, or they may download the form as in the past. New for 2025, everyone who pays the application fee and tuition on the website will not be charged an additional service fee. Many of the updates to the website are already in place.
As a result of the talents, enthusiasm, and commitment of our Masse Moro counselors, staff, and volunteers we will continue to enrich the lives of our young people by providing them a taste of their Norwegian heritage again in 2025. Tusen Takk from all of us at Masse Moro!

Robert Schuck
Sons of Norway District 5 Youth Director

Masse Moro Task Force

Action Item from the 2024 District 5 Convention, taken in part, the passage of Resolution 2 and its suggested follow-up.

Therefore, be it resolved that the District 5 Board is asking the District Lodge to form a Task Force to review Masse Moro operations, promotion, recruitment, and staffing. The Task Force might also consider the wording in the Bylaws and consider giving the District Board options in how often, the length of camp, and other details related to camp. The Task Force would work with the District Youth Director, Heritage & Grants
Committee, and the Board in their work and report to the District in June 2026 (or before) with recommendations. Amendment from the committee: 1) the District President shall appoint the members of the Task Force as soon as possible and that the work of the Task Force be ready for a preliminary report to the District Five Board no later than its Spring 2025 Board Meeting or sooner if possible, and 2) Therefore, be it resolved that an attempt be made to compile a directory of Masse Moro campers from throughout its history and that these Masse If there is a known, quantifiable financial
impact, state here: Moro Alumni be solicited for ongoing support of Masse Moro through donations of time, talent, and treasure.

The Resolutions Committee’s response to the resolution is in four parts:

3) The Resolutions Committee generally supports Resolution #2 establishing a Masse Moro Task Force.
4) The Resolutions Committee recommends continued District Five support of Masse Moro as a cultural extension and outreach from the Greater Sons of Norway organization within District Five and does not see the program from the perspective of a quid pro quo.
5) The Resolutions Committee recommends the Resolution’s “Therefore , be it resolved,” to read at the end: the District President shall appoint the members of the Task Force as soon as possible and that the work of the Task Force be ready for a preliminary report to the District Five Board no later than its Spring 2025 Board Meeting or sooner if possible, and
6) Therefore, be it resolved that an attempt be made to compile a directory of Masse Moro campers from throughout its history and that these Masse Moro Alumni be solicited for ongoing support of Masse Moro through donations of time, talent, and

Resolution #2, as amended, passed.

First steps: President Wille-Schlesser met with newly seated Youth Director Robert Schuck to lay groundwork for the task force.

This notice serves as a call for participants to join the Masse Moro Task Force. A few individuals have stepped forward to assist: former youth directors, Lisa Rove-Williams, Sandra Olson, in addition to me, and grandparent, Janis Wegner. I know there are many
additional stakeholders who may want a voice on the Masse Moro Task Force, and we welcome your input. Please notify President Wille-Schlesser of your interest in serving by August 15, 2024. After that time, she will appoint additional task force members and
call the first meeting of the group. Tusen takk!

In other district news, President Wille-Schlesser will be meeting with Clara Solak, our newly seated sports and recreation director, on Saturday, August 10th. I will share information accumulated from past youth and district recreation events. I look forward
to the infusion of energy Clara will bring to our board of directors.

Thank you,
Cheryl Wille-Schlesser
District 5 President