Vennelag Lodge - Chili cook-off winner Karen Eberhardt
Valkyrien Lodge - Chili cook-off winner Susan Faber, left on photo.
Norse Valley Lodge - Chili cook-off winner Lois Gruetzmacher
Valhall Lodge Chili Cook-off Judges, l-r Greg Ragan, David Olafesn, Richard Fairchild, 1st place Winner for Hottest Chili - Steve Klawitter, 1st Place - Michael Jones
Valhall Lodge Best Overall Chili - Michael Jones (president Vicki Rudh-Jones- accepting)
Valhall Lodge 1st place Hottest Chili - Steve Klawitter
Valhall Lodge Youngest Contestant
Polar Star Lodge Chili Cook-off Winners- Stephen Tanda and Barbra Johnson
Idun Lodge - Participants were: Left to Right: Shirley Scriver, Gage Trader, Dee Grimsrud, Jane Grinde, Mary Zoroufy, and Lucy Ghastin
Idun Lodge - Mary Zoroufy was the winner of the chili cook off.
Gronnvik Lodge Chili Cook-Off Winners and sports director. !st Place Eileen Below
Nordkap Lodge 1st place Bragging Rights, Bob Giles
Idun Lodge - Chili Cornbread Makers- Left to Right, Shirley Scriver, Gage Trader, Dee Grimsrud, Jane Grinde, Mary Zoroufy and Lucy Ghastin