The Friendly Fifth

News Flash

Nordic News "Virtual Radio Show"

Tune in at 6:20 PM (Central); 7:20 PM (Eastern) every Tuesday.

By computer:
By phone: 646-749-3112 (access code: 509-077-557)
By iPhone, iPad, or Android tablet/phone: download the GoToMeeting app from the Apple or Google Play Store. Launch the app and enter the meeting code: SofN-D5

Nordic News "Virtual Radio Show"

7/21/2020 - Erie Canal: Immigrant Gateway to the West - (Daryl Wunrow - Fosselyngen-Milwaukee WI)

Nordic News "Virtual Radio Show"

7/14/2020 - Viking Ship burial (Debra Kraft - Norkap-Detroit MI)

Nordic News "Virtual Radio Show"

7/7/2020 - Norskadalen Norwegian-American Cultural Center - Lori Dubczek

Nordic News "Virtual Radio Show"

6/30/2020 – Norsk Museum , Norway IL (David Johnson, Cleng Peerson-Norway,IL)

Nordic News

6/23/2020 – Norwegian Tales: The Art of Storytelling (Joy Bashara - Grønnvik-Green Bay WI)

Nordic News "Virtual Radio Show"

6/16/2020 – Joy of Norwegian Woodcarving (James Miller - Valkyrien-Woodville WI)

Nordic News "Virtual Radio Show"

6/9/20 - Trip to Western Norway and Oslo (Jim Secora)